Our YouTube Marketing Strategy

Our YouTube marketing strategy focusses on promoting your business, services and products on YouTube platform through creative videos that increase your audience engagement.

Depending on your target audience, YouTube marketing can be instrumental in your promotional strategy and increase traffic to your website.

YouTube Videos

1. Identify your target audience and their preferences

2. Conduct competitor analysis to gain new insights

3. Follow similar channels to analyse their content and engagement

4. Develop engaging video content and writing catchy video title and description. We keep SEO in mind when developing these videos.

5. Publish the video content on a schedule that will be most effective . Typical time-frame for posting videos on YouTube:

• Monday: 2pm-4pm
• Tuesday: 2pm-4pm
• Wednesday: 2pm-4pm
• Thursday: 12pm-3pm
• Friday: 12pm-3pm
• Saturday: 9am-11am
• Sunday: 9am-11am

6. Perform YouTube analytics to measure channel performance

7. Embed your YouTube videos on your website

8. Run a paid YouTube ad campaign.

We offer different types of YouTube Content to promote your business

Trailer Videos that focus on introduction of your business, your value proposition and call to action
Stats Videos that focus on your market research, trend analysis or any statistics you want to share to increase your followers
Testimonials of your customers, your vendors will be very valuable. A good testimonial will include an intro, the before scenario which is the problem they had , and how your business helped solve the problem which is the after scenario
Q&A Videos – if you have Q&As, we can convert those into videos and upload to your YouTube channel
How To Videos – this is one of best ways to increase followers. Educational and informative videos that are engaging and solution focused will be very valuable to your followers.
YouTube Marketing Company

Benefits of YouTube Marketing Company Your Business

Increase website Traffic. YouTube is growing exponentially, with more than 5 billion videos consumed every single day! …

Higher Visibility on Google helps increase your organic ranking on Google

Build Your Email List on YouTube.

Higher Conversion Rates.

Multiple Video Types.

Massive Media Library.

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Years of Experience


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