With over 810 million registered users today, LinkedIn is an essential social media platform to leverage for marketing. It generates leads 277% more effectively. LinkedIn accounts for 80% of B2B leads.
LinkedIn is the biggest platform for exchanging professional or work-related content.

Our LinkedIn Marketing Strategy is comprehensive enough to fully leverage the capabilities and analytics of LinkedIn.

Define your target audience based on your business goals

It is important to decide your goals for using the LinkedIn platform. Is your goal to increase brand awareness ? Do you want to sell your products or services online? Is your goal to generate more qualified leads for your business ?
Based on your goals , we help determine who are your target personas on LinkedIn – what their demographics , business areas , their interest , their designations .

Content Calendar

Based on your goals and target audience , we develop a suitable content calendar

Set-up An Engaging LinkedIn Business page

Add your company logo , banner , your value proposition , industry ,size ,locations , products and services and any other relevant information . Also we ensure that colors and fonts are consistent with your company’s branding.

Post Relevant and engaging content

This is key to LinkedIn Marketing Strategy. It is important to create a steady stream of insightful content to better engage with your target audience. The content can be attractive creatives, infographics and engaging videos.
Studies demonstrate, in fact, that LinkedIn videos are five times likelier to start a conversation than any other type of content.

LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn Ads help amplify your brand awareness. LinkedIn has nifty matched audience tools that let you retarget personas who have previously visited your website.

Leveraging the InMail feature

If your budget allows , then its worth investing in LinkedIn Premium to leverage the InMail feature. Invest in InMail and reach out to any LinkedIn user directly. You also get access to analytics on your InMail response patterns to help you target users better.

LinkedIn Marketing Company

Why you should use LinkedIn as a B2B marketer?

Create awareness and improve reputation

Thought leadership and influencer marketing

Lead Generations

Social CRM

Increase Traffic to your website

Listening and gaining insights

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