How Can We Help With Digital Media Buy Services?

We offer a comprehensive PPC Advertising strategy to drive traffic to your websites and increase your reach to your potential customers on Google.

With Pay-Per-Click advertising, we bid on certain keywords that your target audience type into search engines, that could potentially display your ad in the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) and that your potential customer clicks on your ad to land in your website.


Setting Your Ad Goals , your ad budget and decide on target audience

  • Work with client team to set budgets and goals
  • We design the key characteristics of your Target audience and location targeting

Decide on campaign structure

Configure campaign settings (campaign type, location targets, setup conversion tracking ) .

Continuous keyword Research

  • Based on your target audience and your goals, we perform deep keyword research. Ongoing keyword research is foundational for any PPC campaigns.
  • We use best keyword research tools in the industry to gather an inventory of keyword phrases that your potential audience will search
  • We analyze the search intent of these keyword phrases, their relevancy to your Ads, gather their Click-through-rate (CTR) , the volume and value of these keywords
  • We also perform competitive research and identify any additional keywords gaps and close these gaps as we gather the keyword list
  • We develop a list of negative keywords that should be excluded from the campaign
  • We ensure that there is no keyword are not shared across the Ad groups.

Ad Group Design

  • We design the Ad Groups for your campaigns which can be based various factors such as your keyword taxonomy or products /services , or based on additional granularity of your audience
  • We then map the relevant keywords to the Ad Groups
  • Design landing page for each ad group. At this point , it is important to have landing page consistent and relevant to your Ad group and keywords
  • Landing page can be appealing with consistent messaging to the user along with Call To Action (CTA) for the user to take an action
  • Design Lead generation method to gather data from your potential customers for your future retargeting
  • Design Ad Creatives For each Ad Group . We leverage industry AI Tools that provide insight on Ad Title , descriptions , headings to be used and right CTA messaging
  • Publish the campaign

On-going Tracking of the Campaign

  • We conduct on-going monitoring of the campaign , identify additional keywords , remove low scoring keywords
  • We continue to perform competitive research throughout the length of the campaign
  • Throughout the life of the campaign, we continue to perform keyword research , modify the campaign where necessary . In some cases, we split one campaign into multiple granular campaign and compare the performance of these granular campaigns.

Powerful Benefits of Using PPC Advertising

PPC Advertising is aligned with your business goals and one of the best channels to help you reach your goals.

PPC is Measurable and Trackable

Boost Your Brand presence in the Search Engine Results Page

Powerful Strategy yielding higher conversions when combined with SEO Strategy

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