Our Facebook Marketing Strategy

Our Facebook marketing strategy helps promote your brand and increase your outreach to your potential customers via posting/interactions, by boosted posts or by paid Ads. We focus on increasing your customer engagement and broaden your reach to potential customers.

Facebook Posts

We optimize your Facebook page by ensuring your business descriptions are effective, your services and products offering are outlined.

We post on your Facebook that speak to your brand, products and services.

Facebook Marketing

Facebook Ads

Promote Posts and Page to increase page likes and followers

Boosting your posts to increase impressions and your followers

We develop creative and content for your Facebook Ads.

We include a headline with a copy, an image, and a click-through link to either a Facebook page, a Facebook app, or an outside website. We leverage the key Facebook Ad features outlined below for your Ads

Location Targeting
Demographic targeting based on age, location, interests
Setting Ad budgets
Ad testing, in which multiple ad versions can be run simultaneously in order to compare ad designs and setup.
Study the Ad insights

Types of Facebook Content

We focus on the following types of content to increase engagement

1. Video content is the top rated content to increase engagement about your products and services, your branding

2. Product promotions

3. New offerings

4. Company milestones

5. Company events

6. customer testimonials

7. Facebook Polls

8. Guessing Game

9. Industry Trends

10. Data posts

11. Tips , Tutorials and how-tos

12. Current Events happening in your industry /neighborhood

13. Holidays and Occasions


Benefits of Facebook Marketing For Your Business

Increase Your Audience through wider reach

Best platform for both B2B and B2C marketing

Psychographic Targeting

Extensive Ad formats for better engagement

Excellent Ad insights

Increases traffic to your website

Improves Customer Engagement

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Years of Experience


Customer Retention


Client Success Rate


Net Promoter Score